Shins Rocker Beats Up Only Person He Can, His Skinny Girlfriend

Keyboardist Marty Crandall of the Shins (their latest album is titled Wincing the Night Away!) was arrested for allegedly pounding on his model girlfriend. The victim—Elyse Sewell, who was on the first season of America's Next Top Model, has a Livejournal, in which she explains that dude got drunk in a Sacramento hotel room and hit her. She quickly locked the entry, but she says she'll unlock it after court date. Pitchfork posted the entirety of the entry before lockdown:
As the warden took pics of my bloody knuckles for evidence (!!!! evidence!), he quipped, "So there goes that hand modeling job, huh? What's Tyra going to say about this?" And here is how I was summoned from the holding cell for a strip-search, complete with a thorough plumbing of the boodissy: "Hey, Supermodel! Git over here! ...On the flip side, I'm single and um, ready to mingle. Blind date, anyone?"
Elyse is also getting lots of support from other LJers, including this:
Marty is a fucking piece of stupid ugly smelly shitty shit. What the hell was he thinking? I work at an abortion clinic full of hipster girls who are all going to boycott his assy hipster band now. I hope you are okay. (You must be in shock (?)