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The New York Observer's beleaguered media editor, Zachary Roth, "has quit," according to Mediabistro. Word on the street since Roth took over the weekly's press coverage in August, was that he might have been ill-prepared for the task. Roth was under so much pressure, in fact, that according to a source he broke down in the newsroom at one point. Roth politely declined to comment when we asked him about the circumstances of his departure, and for all we know, he had the very good sense to realize that managing an understaffed team of young media reporters on a shoestring budget—in addition to being a pain in the ass—is not the best way to make a buck. However, let it be said: there is no crying in a newsroom. Everyone has been there. Everyone. Me, for example! And you!

You missed deadline, you're in over your head, your screaming boss just called you a blundering half-wit in front of all your colleagues (some of whom you're almost positive you saw smirking into their monitors) and you're quite sure that whoever made the absurd decision to hire you might just be less competent than you, which at the moment is saying a lot.

But there really is no crying in a newsroom. Hold it. It is possible to postpone bursting into tears, though usually only for a limited amount of time. Search for exits while you can, pretend something has gone terribly wrong with your contact lens and take your leave gracefully. Everyone will know that you're on your way to bawl your eyes out, but don't worry. The only reason they know it is because last week they were the blundering half-wits in over their heads. Be sure to replace the Kleenex box in the utility closet when you leave.