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I'm sitting in the CES press lounge when my editor, Owen Thomas, sends me an email:

Find him and interview? - O.
——- Forwarded message ——-
From: Chaela Volpe
Date: Jan 7, 2008 1:35 PM
Subject: Gary Krakow joins newsroom as Sr. Tech Correspondent, Reports Live from CES in Las Vegas

I announce to the table, which includes a few colleagues from Gizmodo, and early-rising PR guy Peter Shankman, "I love when my editors tell me to interview people and I have no idea who they are. Like this jackass — Gary Krakow from MSNBC. Who the hell is he? I have no idea." One of the guys across the table, who I don't know, starts staring at me and tosses his press badge on the table.

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After a couple moments of silence, Shankman says, "This is the most surreal moment I've ever been witness to." Then, of course, he writes it up. Thanks, buddy.

By the way, Krakow has this to say about his new job:

Valleywag: Why'd you leave MSNBC?
Krakow: MSNBC wanted to go in a different direction. I needed more artistic freedom.
V: Does TheStreet still exist? Have you been paid yet?
K: Don't worry about my paycheck. The new, redesigned site will be up within a few weeks with a focus on video.