Little Scotty Mouthbreather Goes Mainstream

According to an unsolicited, totally undesired MySpace message I received yesterday from Little Scotty Mouthbreather himself (full chill-inducing text after the jump), our existentially-handicapped hiptard rapper friend will be appearing along with his "group" the V.I.P. Party Boys on tomorrow's "celeb rehab" episode of the Tyra Banks Show. Tyra, in her infinite wisdom, invited Scotty and the Party Boys onto the show to discuss the manner in which "sex and drugs get tangled with fame". And by fame, he means being the object of ridicule.
Hey Alex, First of all, I wanna thank you for helping launch my career as NYC nighlife personality/muse/chantuesse/rapstress. I owe you the best blow J. of your life!!!
I also wanna let you know that my rap group is having the best week ever and will be featured on the Tyra Show this Wed. along with Brigette Nelson, Dr. Drew and some dude from that band from the 90s 'Crazy Town'. Things get really nitty gritty!!!! so check it out!!!!
Jonny Makeup aka Scotty MouthbreathPS Im soooo bummed that you arent doing Gawker anymore....I have some sweeeeet pics on me and my BFF Leotard out on the town in Miami!!!!!
[Horrible photograph of Little Scotty Mouthbreather a.k.a. Jonny Makeup via his MySpace page.]