I go away for two weeks and this is what happens?

If you hadn't noticed, I got married and went on a honeymoon. Did you miss me? Apparently so. Gizmodo gets banned from CES. Golson asks Calacanis for a job. Our very special correspondent pickets against the new pay system. Where was Denton with the "too insidery" warnings? Oh that's right, blogging for Gawker. Here's what really happened during the first two weeks of 2008, according to a speed-read of my feeds. On my next honeymoon, I'm bringing a laptop.
- Facebook is slower than a bunch of social networks you've never heard of, according to Watchmouse. Yes, Zuck's baby is slower than RateItAll, Infield Parking, Buzznet and most especially, Consumating. Which is of course everyone's favorite. MySpace is not on the list.
- The Pew Internet & American Life project discovered that Web video was more popular in 2007 than in 2006.
- Robert Scoble appeared on television. Twice.
- Iminlikewithyou founder Charles Forman told an audience of 450 that, despite what you've heard, he's not actually an asshole.
- Jupitermedia CEO Alan Meckler posted seven times. 6-word version: Things are great. Ignore stock price.
- Jason Calacanis has 11,900 friends on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. And 495 on Mahalo. By the way, he wants to have dinner with all of you.
- Yahoo's CEO unveiled a new mobile Web platform at CES that will save the company. Just like it did last year.
- And, most notably, the Flight of the Conchords performed at CES: