'Times' Explains What Sidekicks Are And Why Yours Will Be Stolen

The T-Mobile Sidekick has become a favorite target of muggers and thieves throughout New York and the nation. In response, the NYPD has decided to harass teenagers and New York Times blogger Sewell Chan has decided to explain what a "Sidekick" is: "The Sidekick — sometimes encrusted with Swarovski crystal — has been a popular accessory for celebrities like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. It has even made its way onto an album by the young rapper Soulja Boy Tell'em." (The link goes to Times music crit Kalefa Sannah's review of Soulja Boy's surprisingly longer than one track debut album, which does seem to indicate that that is the official Times stylebook-approved way to punctuate Mr. Tell'em's name.) [NYT]