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We regret to inform some of you (and are thrilled to inform some others) that a stunning reversal of romantic fortunes has befallen Oscar-jilted comedy superstar Eddie Murphy: A mere two weeks after what by all accounts was said to be the tropical fairy tale wedding to end all tropical fairy tale weddings, the Shrek Goes Fourth star (yes, it's coming, don't even try to escape) has announced that his legally-binding-only-in-Bora Bora marriage to girlfriend Tracey Edmonds has already come to an end:

"After much consideration and discussion, we have jointly decided that we will forego having a legal ceremony as it is not necessary to define our relationship further," Murphy and Edmonds tell PEOPLE in an exclusive statement.

"While the recent symbolic union in Bora Bora was representative of our deep love, friendship and respect that we have for one another on a spiritual level, we have decided to remain friends." [...]

[A]ccording to a source, the honeymoon got off to a rocky start.

"Eddie started yelling at Tracey in front of people," says one of Edmonds's wedding guests. "He did it on a few occasions and it was very embarrassing."

We can't say we didn't see this coming: With his last romantic entanglements having resulted in messy, expensive divorce and the knocking up and eventual abandonment of Melanie "Spongy Spice" Brown (to say nothing of the sweet-faced, lift-needy Samoan streetwalker who got away), by the time Murphy got to his Honeymoon Suite, he was already lugging behind him some extremely heavy baggage.