This image was lost some time after publication.

Jeremy Johnstone, a Yahoo engineer, has taken a break from hanging out with iJustine to object to our mention of one of his images — a screenshot of Flickr, a Yahoo website, displaying a failure message. He responded by replacing the image with a vulgarity. Good to know he has so much time to spend doing anything but writing code. You see, that screenshot is not the only Flickr pic he's taken down recently. The last one went offline under even less happy circumstances.

Johnstone, who fancies himself quite the lensman, has somehow become Yahoo's house photographer. He's been posting his corporate work, without authorization, to his personal Flickr stream.

In his self-appointed role, Johnstone, unbelievably, managed to take a publicity shot of Yahoo TechTicker star Sarah Lacy that made the photogenic valley fox look bad. The online-video show's producer, who never wanted to go with Johnstone in the first place, had the photos reshot — and was furious to hear that Johnstone had published the unapproved photos on Flickr. Johnstone took them down after a late-night call Friday — which was the first he heard, we understand, that his original photos hadn't made the cut. He's being replaced by a real photographer. If only more of the amateurs at Yahoos were meeting his fate.

(Photo by jeremyjohnstone)