Last night Anderson Cooper, CNN's prettiest anchor, investigated that infamous video of Tom Cruise on Tom Cruise, Scientologist. His correspondent talked to a former member of the church and took us deep into the world of strange symbols and acronyms and claims made by America's favorite tiny grinning superstar actor. Then Cooper replayed a contentious interview with Scientology's head Inquisitor into the crimes of Psychology. Cooper even called the religion a fraud based on pseudo-science (or at least pointed out that that is a "criticism leveled against Scientology"). What's Anderson's beef with LRH?

Rare among modern "legitimate" journalists, especially TV journalists, Cooper has taken on the Church of Scientology before. Cooper's last investigation into the CSI was in 2005, when he introduced viewers to a New Mexico vault marked with "mysterious symbols." According to a former Scientologist interviewed on the show, the vault was covered with symbols viewable best from "the heavens" designed "to show the location of one of the vaults which Scientology has prepared to safeguard the technology of L. Ron Hubbard." Inside the vault, a creepy survivalist compound filled with livestock, food, and the writings of LRH etched into "titanium plates."

Why investigate Scientology's apocalyptic desert bunker? More importantly, why bother debating a lunatic about the merits of psychology? Here's a hint:

Church founder L. Ron Hubbard's son Quentin was gay. Gay and not all that into Scientology. He killed himself in 1976, a victim of his father's tyrannical crusades against homosexuality and mental health. L. Ron Hubbard hated his dead gay son.

Considering what we know of Anderson's biography (short version: gay, forever changed by brother's suicide), it is perhaps understandable that he might not approve of an organization that "cures" homosexuality and refuses to allow its members access to antidepressants, clinical psychology, or even simple talk therapy.