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Managed Web hosting firm Rackspace took out Tumblr, the trendy blogging site, last night, 37signals on Friday, a bunch of U.K. sites in December, and most of the websites you care about last November. Tumblr announced plans to quit the service this morning and at least one other startup customer — Charles Forman of Iminlikewithyou — doesn't blame him. Here are Forman's four reasons why, in his words, "Rackspace f—-ing sucks."

"Dumping them is a pain in the ass," Forman told me by IM. "I would if i had the time, but I don't."

Here's four reasons why he'd switch if he "had the time."

  1. Their uptime used to be good. But now it's normal.
  2. Their support used to be good but again, everyone offers the same shit now.
  3. They've turned lazy and they are basically like — 'yeah — we forgot to do this shit — it will be 3 more days."
  4. During that outage in their datacenter I didn't get one fucking phone call. I got a fucking mass mail apology and thats it. Their shit was down for like a full day and restarted like 3 times. We probably aren't a major account, but its $8k/month. It's a lot of money to me.