"Dude, wanna play some Rock Band?" say Facebookers

Disgraced tech-stock analyst Henry Blodget, having just discovered Guitar Hero, is already behind the times. Trendy Silicon Valley has already moved on to Rock Band. The music-jammer is threatening Facebook's already questionable productivity, reports blogger Matt Schlicht.
Schlicht writes:
We visited Facebook yesterday and we learned that all they do is play Rock Band. They don't have set hours and the offices are open 24/7 so its not uncommon for someone to come in for an entire day but not work. There are broken guitars and drumsticks all over the room, so they must play a lot. Most times when people sing, they "meow" the song. And yet they have 22,000 fans on Rock Band.
An unnamed Facebook employee told Schlicht:
Yeah, most days I'll come in, sit at my desk, glance at the computer screen...then I'll look at my buddy sitting across from me and go, 'Dude, wanna play some Rock Band?' We end up playing for hours. Nobody works here, all we do is listen to Daft Punk and play video games. The reason this room smells kinda funky is because one of our engineers was living in here for a few weeks. His personal hygiene wasn't amazing.
Here are pics of Schlicht and partner in blogging Mazyar Kazerooni in Facebook's dedicated Rock Band room. Looks exactly like a college dorm, doesn't it?