Denise Richards Only Trying To Give Her Children The Reality TV Opportunities She Never Had

Charlie Sheen and ex-wife/mortal enemy Denise Richards were back in family court yesterday, arguing behind closed doors over Richards's decision to expose her life, and the lives of her young children, to reality show cameras. From the report:
Sheen arrived at the Los Angeles courthouse with his attorney, while Richards' legal camp participated by phone.
But even though the public was shut out of this latest round, a source familiar case says that, despite Sheen's objections, a court commissioner greenlighted Richards' plans for a reality show featuring her and Sheen's two daughters, 3-year-old Sam and 2-year-old Lola.
There are unspecified ground rules, a source said, but otherwise Richards was "very happy."
While details of the reality show are being kept under wraps until the logistics are ironed out in family court, some have already been leaked, and we strongly suspect that A Shot at Love with Denise Richards and Her Two Demi-Orphans As a Result of their Sex-Addict Father Running Off to Follow His Cheerleader Orgy Dreams and Falling For the Trampy Love of His Life in the Process could be exactly the bisexual dating competition the Oprah Winfrey Network needs to really kick things off in high style.