Battle of the Scientology Scribes: Is Tom Cruise The Prez or VP of Cult? Who Went 'Undercover' Enough?

With two bursting-at-the-seams tell-all books out this month delving deeper than anyone wants to go into the demented world of Scientology, authors Ian Halperin (Hollywood Undercover) and Andrew Morton (Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography) are turning against each other, kind of like Xanax and cocaine. According to Halperin, the one who posed as a gay actor in order to uncover the Church's reparative techniques, Morton's book is "full of factual errors," most twisted his claim that Tom is scientology's second most powerful member:
"A lot of people I met when I was undercover insisted Cruise was the number 1 man. Cruise is the star there, and, like in his films, no one at the Church got top billing over him. Church officials told me that everyone, including David Miscavige [scientology's Chairman of the Board] do whatever Cruise says. Basically, they act as his puppets."
Beyond Halperin's argument that Morton got the actor's ranking wrong, he claims Morton "didn't even bother to interview Scientology. Even after the church invited him to go on a tour and [offered] an interview, Morton, for some reason, refused to do it." Oddly, Halperin says the church and Tom Cruise are "pissed off at [Morton]." But ... they're not pissed off at Halperin for faking his identity in order to unveil specific, straight-to-gay tactics? We're waiting to hear from Morton, whose Placenta Hijacking story still holds a place in our heart, regardless of its authenticity.