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Does merely knowing the same masseuse mean you're dating? That's what breathless stories in both the New York Post and Us Weekly are claiming. The Post is reporting that Heath Ledger's masseuse, Diane Lee Wolozin, made her first phone call to Mary-Kate Olsen immediately after discovering Ledger's lifeless body at 2:45pm on Tuesday (fifteen minutes before her scheduled appointment with him). Wolozin, a possible felon, allegedly told NY police that the two had a "mutual relationship," and that she'd called Olsen using Ledger's phone, where it was programmed in. Added to erroneous early reports that Olsen owned the apartment where Ledger was found and more recently, news that Olsen's bodyguard called the two "an item," we're starting to wonder if all this hubbub is a whole lot of sound and fury, without any real substance.

According to Us Weekly, Olsen's rep is denying her bodyguard's alleged statements, causing even more confusion. The Post also claims that Mary-Kate made her own phone calls to a more private security detail to avoid a media circus (worked like a charm, MK!). Why Wolozin's first phone call was to Mary-Kate remains a mystery, as does Olsen's apparent pacifism under pressure, but all 1000 of these speculations add up to an abounding zero factual conclusions. We're laying off the guessing games until MK climbs out of whatever drawer she sleeps in these days to add some weight (zing!) to any theories.