Wait, how did we miss this Sundance pick? It's called August. It's about a the wild life of a would-be Silicon Alley dot-com entrepreneur—in 2001! In August of 2001! The Times description makes it sound positively irresistible:

It is a movie about hubris, both that of the C.E.O., played by Josh Hartnett, and the United States in the weeks before Sept. 11. There is one shot in which Mr. Hartnett wakes up woozy from a chemically enhanced night at the then-newly opened Bungalow 8, then is shown on the street against the backdrop of the World Trade Center. August has many of the little touches of the era right. There is a cameo by Jason Calacaniss, the Silicon Alley magazine founder, who seemed to be everywhere in those days. The employees at the doomed company compulsively check a Web site with an unprintable name that covers imploding start-ups, their impending layoffs and their large burn rates.

It's Fucked Company the Movie! Bungalow 8! Jason Calacanis! And ominous portent! The Times can't spell Calacanis' name right! Mid-2001 is back! Maybe Giuliani will be President! We're totally founding Dodgeball, see you suckers later.