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· As a disappointing™ Sundance limps towards the finish line, buyers are proving immune to the charms of Big Name Stars like Robert DeNiro and Tom Hanks, whose films (What Just Happened and The Great Buck Howard) have "held all of the appeal of three-day-old fish." [Variety]
· Sundance? More like Stunned'dance, quips the Reporter as the sound of a rimshot slowly fades into the eerie quiet of Park City's Main Street. Are we right, ladies? [THR]
· Universal signs Atonement's Joe Wright, red-hot from seven Oscar nominations (though not one for directing; thanks, Jason Reitman!) to a two-picture deal. [Variety]
[After the jump: Marvel and the WGA make nice on an interim basis; Disney tries to squeeze even more money out of the Toy Story franchise.]

· Marvel Studios joins Lionsgate in signing an interim deal with the WGA, a move that should get a handful of uncredited superhero-movie specialists back to punching up scripts for Magneto and Deathlok scripts immediately. [THR]
· Disney will re-release Pixar's Toy Story and Toy Story 2 in 3-D in late 2009 and early 2010, hoping kids will scream until their parents take them to see the vastly improved version where Buzz Lightyear flies out of the screen every three minutes. [Variety]