"It will forever be one of the highlights of my life," Scoble writes at the beginning of a 1,535-word epic love poem describing a three-hour walk he took around Davos, Switzerland with Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Here's a condensed version — though it's a bit long because we included all of Scoble's gratuitous namedrops, which we've bolded.

Mark Zuckerberg invited me to breakfast with Pervez Musharraf. Aside: Another great thing is hanging out with Mike Arrington. Here's a video I filmed. While filming, Bono, Tony Blair, and the Japanese Prime Minister walked past. Linden Lab founder Philip Rosedale joined us at one point.

[Zuckerberg] shared:

  • [Facebook is] shipping translated versions
  • They are working on an overhaul of the platform.
  • They are thinking about data portability.
  • I told him Facebook's messaging was cool but limiting.
  • He talked about Scrabulous. He thinks there may be an acquisition or other good outcome
  • They were working on Facebook's privacy features.
  • Facebook has a limitation on the number of friends a person can have; getting rid of that.
  • He admitted he made mistakes in how they implemented Beacon and explained it.
  • I asked him why he only blogs when the community has a negative reaction. He says that's a mistake that he'll work on.

Great: Zuckerberg taking blogging lessons from Scoble. This cannot end well.