TMZ has some unexpectedly touching footage of a meeting between recent SAGgie recipient James Gandolfini and his "Number One Fan" at NY's JFK airport; though the admirer's fawning, if pesky, overtures to his Sopranos idol might have started out on the wrong foot, with the suddenly angered actor applying a potential-stalker-neutralizing death-grip to his pursuer's face, the two seemed to reach a peaceful resolution outside the terminal without the customary intervention of authorities, an unnecessary stun-gunning, or shouted threats of legal action.

We suppose there's always the possibility of a delayed whiplash claim, but as eternal optimists, we'd like to think a friendship was formed this morning as Gandolfini embraced the man in front of all of those camera-wielding witnesses, one motivated by more than just a desire to document on film or video that his new pal seemed unharmed after their rocky introduction by the baggage claim carousel.