Every Profession Must Have Its Reality Show

The CW announced today that it will be airing a new Tyra Banks-produced reality competition show about fashion magazine assistants. Oh my god! It's just like that movie with Mia Thermopolis and that old lady! But the new show will not just be about deadlines and content. Tyra's co-producer says: "[The contestants are] trying to prove themselves as aspiring fashionistas, that they have a sense of style and savvyness, all the things to make it in the fashion world." That sounds great. Really, really great. After the jump we'll look at this and three other shows in this increasingly popular "trade" genre.

The classy new competition show about the art world, produced by Sarah Jessica Parker, will more than likely be as big a debacle as the little-seen Deitch Artstar. Not to underestimate the elegant tastes of the general American television viewership, but you might as well show a fancy professor talking about some fancypants book for an hour. It's the same frickin' thing: BORING. Oh, and it will also be boring for people who actually like art. Literally, watching paint dry. Also, accepting that we have no concrete information on the structure of the show, how do you get real artists to compete in this? We anticipate many Santa Fe residents and a lot of Enya playing in the background.

Top Design, that silly Bravo misfire ("See you later, decorator!") is getting something of a reboot from The Magical Elves, the production team behind Top Chef and Project Runway (both showing signs of age themselves.) Last season was dull and peculiar, with vague budgetary allowances and a muted, eerily serene Todd Oldham as host. Our suspicion is that such a show is better relegated to lesser-watched cable, like HGTV.

As mentioned above, Tyra Banks' new project will focus on the exciting world of assisting vainglorious assholes at a fashion magazine. At the end of every episode, teams will compete to create a winning page for the magazine's Book. Honestly, the show sounds like it could be interesting, if only Tyra Banks was not involved. Her hand seems to be more adept at carefully placing pictures of herself everywhere she possibly can than steering a television program towards that ephemeral specter, Quality. Though, it may be fun if she pops up occasionally, wearing little spectacles, because this show is about reading.

There is an online reality show called Ultimate Blogger. A show (albeit on the internet) about people typing. Worked for Doogie Howser!