Actually no. Reuters' story today, "Porn to spice up cell phones," is just a rehash of a trend story that was never fulfilled, despite plenty of publicists planting the story to promote clients' phone-porn ventures. Take, for instance, the 2004 Cox News story, "Can you see me now? Porn coming to U.S. cell phones," a result of Playboy expanding into mobile phones. Of course Playboy was late, as there was already a story about the struggling phone-porn industry in 1992, when cell phones were actually larger than a naked woman. Click through for the full-size screencap from the Lexis Nexis archives &mdash and the real reason Reuters ran this story.

Buried in page number whatever is a mention of the Mobile Adult Content Conference, who lent their keynote speaker for an interview. The 3rd annual "MACCongress" met yesterday and today. (Their web site has a photo of people in VR headsets, since VR porn will catch on as soon as developers perfect a non-stick headset.) Looks like Reuters rolled over for an easy trend story at the behest of a MACC flack.