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Having already ordered a second season of instant midseason hit American Gladiators, NBC now must undertake another nationwide search for both new contestants and candidates to replace whatever civilian-pummeling warriors eventually fall out of favor with their notoriously mercurial Peacock Emperor.

But before Gladiator hopefuls can demonstrate their athletic gifts at the open casting calls taking place in the coming weeks, the network is subjecting them to a thorough evaluation of their cerebral abilities, as illustrated in the above excerpt from page 10 of show's official application, the dreaded Silverman-Zucker Rap/Doodle Inventory. (And yes, we did add a sample sketch to item 44.) With a quick glance at some paperwork, a trained staffer can efficiently eliminate those whose mental development lags dangerously behind their physical prowess, a crucial pre-screening process that should ensure only the most well-rounded can progress to the "dodging tennis balls" and "being struck repeatedly in the head with a padded stick" portions of the cattle call try-outs.