Denise Richards Unsurprisingly Voted 'Worst Bond Girl' Of All Time

Poor flipper-footed Denise Richards just can't catch a break. Following news that ex Charlie Sheen is trying to halt production of what could well become the apex of the washed-up celeb-centric reality show genre, Richards' bad luck streak continues with news that her performance as Dr. Christmas Jones in The World Is Not Enough was just voted the Worst Bond Girl of All-Time by Bond's horndoggiest fans.
While the honor of best Bondette went to Ursula Andress for her portrayal of Honey Ryder in Dr. No, we are shocked (shocked!) that Halle Berry didn't find her way into either the Best or Worst Top Ten List. How soon the Bond nerds forgot the way Halle worked that orange bikini! And as for Denise's misfortune, we place the blame squarely on the shoulders of World's casting directors Debbie McWilliams and Harika Uygur. While many dudes paid good money to see Denise take on the challenging role of a bi-curious high school student with a penchant for popping her top, casting her in the role of a nuclear physicist probably wasn't the greatest decision you ever made.