TV Audiences 23 Percent Less Interested In Fox Lie Detector Show Than Last Week

· 2008's January box office is up 18% over last year, thanks to both newly released, pump-and-dump triumphs like Cloverfield and steadier earners holding over from December, like National Treasure and the Chipmunks movie. [Variety]
· Fox's still-disappointing Moment of Truth (current number of lives ruined by the televised revelation of their past sins: 0) falls off sharply from last week's huge premiere numbers, but still finished behind only American Idol on the night. [THR]
· Where in the world is Oscar-nominated U.N. messenger of peace George Clooney? At U.N. headquarters, trying to convince headshot-wielding staffers to let him put down his Sharpie long enough to fill them in on the atrocities he just witnessed in Darfur. [Variety]
· Flight of the Conchords' Jemaine Clement signs on for Gentlemen Broncos, a new comedy by Napoleon Dynamite's Jared Hess; sadly, there appears to be no part for troubadour-roomie Bret McKenzie, disappointing news slightly softened by word of Sam Rockwell's involvement in the project. [THR]
· Paul Haggis and partner Michael Nozik have parked their new Hwy61 Films production company at United Artist, where the studio's interim agreement with the WGA will allow the shingle's heavy-handed™ projects to zip along through the development process unimpeded by the strike. [Variety]