Amateur Cabsex Photos: Do Not Want
It's just annoying how everybody thinks they're either a celeb or a pap these days. Most of us are neither, which is what we'd like to tell the "Confessions of a Paparazzi Etc" blogger who sent us shots of a couple en flagrante delicto in the back of the cab.
"I don't think they had an expectation to privacy," he wrote. And he's right! Except they probably did have an expectation to at least anonymity, because it's just one big naked city, and who cares. There are so many people (J*l*a A*l*s*n, Britney) who live their lives totally out in public that we assume everybody is just like them. In fact, there are actually some places (sometimes even in public!) where people do expect privacy. Not everyone is on Last Night's Party! Not everybody is a photoslut.