Who's in, who's out at Yahoo after a Microsoft takeover

This morning, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer made the usual polite noises about "integrating" Yahoo's management into Microsoft. The reality? Come on. They're all fired, except for the geeks. If Microsoft had any respect for current management, they would have negotiated a friendly deal instead of launching a takeover. Most of the executive suite will be gone, I bet, within six months if the takeover succeeds. Here are the details on who's in and who's out, starting at the top.

Jerry Yang, CEO He'll be a large Microsoft shareholder after the deal goes through, so it's likely he'll get a board seat. And perhaps he'll get to keep the "Chief Yahoo" title.
David Filo, cofounder Might be named a Microsoft Fellow, working in datacenter operations — as he prefers.
Sue Decker, President Gone. There's no position Microsoft can give her that will suit her ambitions. Not to mention the hash she's made of things at Yahoo.
Blake Jorgensen. CFO Gone. Microsoft doesn't need another CFO, and he's a close Decker ally.
Ari Balogh, CTO Bad timing: Balogh just left VeriSign for Yahoo this week. If he'll settle for a title below CTO, Microsoft might grudgingly make room for him.

Marco Boerries, EVP, Connected Life Gone. He's widely disliked within Yahoo, and Microsoft already has plenty of mobile dealmakers.
Michael Callahan, General Counsel Gone. First, we fire all the lawyers.
Gregory Coleman, EVP, Global Sales Already announced his "retirement." Even more gone than he already was.
Usama Fayyad, Chief Data Officer A keeper. Microsoft needs better data analysis.
Qi Lu, EVP, Engineering Search A keeper.
Michael Murray, Chief Accounting Officer Gone.
Jill Nash, Chief Communications Officer Could stay. Microsoft desperately needs better PR in the Valley.
Ash Patel, EVP, Platforms and Infrastructure Division Gone. He's already checked out, insiders say, but it will take a takeout to dislodge him from his desk.
Libby Sartain, Chief People Yahoo Already rumored to be out.
Hilary Schneider, EVP, Global Partner Solutions Could stay, though she's a Decker ally. Microsoft lacks credibility with newspapers, Schneider's strong suit.
Jeff Weiner, EVP, Network Division Gone. Weiner, a Semel guy, has managed to hold onto his job against the odds. But he's not respected in Redmond.