For his upcoming novel, Bright Shiny Morning, James Frey plans to use smoke and mirrors (plus artist Richard Prince and porn-ish photog Terry Richardson) to distract us from the debacle of his last memoir, according to Page Six. As Oprah taught us, A Million Little Pieces was not really a memoir but more like fiction, and we're sure he knows the difference by now. The book tour, he says, will feature "bands, other authors reading their work." The cover will be designed by artist Richard Prince, whose work is currently on exhibition at the Guggenheim. Interestingly, Prince made his name with "appropriation art": photographing the work of others (the Marlboro Man ads, for example), and exhibiting them. He's an entirely logical choice, then, as Frey is known for appropriating pieces of his memoir out of thin air. Synergy! Click for an example Prince's work.

See? The top photo is by Jim Krantz, taken for a Marlboro ad. The bottom is a photo of Krantz's photo, taken by Prince. The bottom photo is art!

[Photos: New York Times]