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Mashable founder Pete Cashmore is "hot," StyleDiary's Patricia Handschiegel told me the other night at dinner. Overhearing us, another chimed in. "Oh yes, he's hot," she said. Keep your pants on, girls! Literally. Cashmore doesn't have to worry about Handschiegel stripping — she's a lady — but a screenshot of "recent visitors" who have built profiles on the site indicates some of Cashmore's readers aren't. After the jump, see their profile pages. A warning: Not safe for work.

Here's Mashable reader Mrs. Hot Sticky Wet Panties. We recommend Gold Bond for that problem, but maybe they don't sell that in "USA, Ohio, wet panty land." Click on the image if you really need to expand it further.

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Here we have KL Hot Babes Escort, located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Pete looks like he doesn't know why he' friends with KL. Pete, it's the pageviews.

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