'Moment Of Truth' Polygraph Reveals Tyra Banks' Disturbing Oprah Envy!
While it's still too early for new hit The Moment of Truth to officially resort to desperation stunts like a celebrity-boosted format, evil Fox reality TV mastermind Mike Darnell has expressed a refreshing willingness to tinker with the series in hopes of ratcheting up its initially disappointing tension levels, and it never hurts to experiment in a low-stakes environment.
Accordingly, Darnell dispatched host Mark Wahlberg to the Tyra Show for a star-lie-detecting test-run, where the concept finally seems to have fulfilled its promise of using the Truth to destroy lives in front on national television; now that she's admitted her petty jealousy of Oprah's success, we can expect that the daytime TV deity will soon strike down Banks for her deadly sin of Envy by ordering the immediate cancellation of Banks' show, then sending a wave of fiercely loyal minions from Wifnrey's own studio audience to mow down the former supermodel with their shiny, new, vengeance-dealing cars.
- The Tyra Banks Show [tyrashow.com]