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NBC's Friday Night Lights spent most of its first season enjoying official Critical Darling status while enduring ratings just north of zilch. However, during its second season, some early-season creative missteps began to erode the large base of critical support it once enjoyed. Making matters even worse, its ratings remained abysmal, which led the Peacock Emperor to make this now infamous pronouncement about the show: "Unfortunately, no one watches it. That's the thing with shows. People have to watch them." (Ed Note: SNAP!) These two factors have led to widespread speculation that tonight's episode of FNL will end up as being both the season and series finale. But wait, all is not lost. Those rabble rousers over at Best Week Ever have a plan to save the show! A plan that involves ... light bulbs?

Yes, that's right, much like Jericho and Roswell before it, Best Week Ever is encouraging fans of Friday Night Lights to show their support for the series by making use of the USPS. However, unlike sending packages filled with peanuts and Tabasco, Best Week Ever is not encouraging fans to appease the hungry suits in Burbank by sending them foodstuffs. Rather, they would like fans to mail in light bulbs with the words "Lights On" written on them. Sounds like those poor souls who man the NBC mailroom might want to invest in some thick work gloves, as we're fairly certain that a good number of those bulbs will break in transit. No matter what the end product looks like when it arrives on Ben Silverman's desk, we're just happy that his mailbox will soon be full of something other than little love notes to himself. Good luck, kids!