Though Herbie Hancock delivered a huge upset by capturing the Album of the Year Grammy that clearly belonged to criminally underappreciated superstar Kanye West and Amy Winehouse selfishly distracted from his four-win night by hoarding five statuettes that would have looked much better upon the humble rapper's mantle (not to mention Winehouse's attention-whore hijacking of the ceremony's precious screentime via satellite), West would, in the end, have his Big Moment, even if he had to fight for it like he's had to battle for every scrap of recognition the System tries to withhold from him.

Some fifteen minutes into the emotional acceptance speech for his Rap Album victory, West chided the producers trying to play him off stage with some "wrap it up" music, then continued on with a rambling, forty-five minute disquisition (which, in fairness, did include a tribute to his mother) on the struggle for respect he may never win, no matter how many more gilded gramophones the Academy grudgingly hands over.