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"The headline for tonight is 'Package!'" declared our photog, Randal Alan Smith. From the pic above, I have to agree. Last night, Fon held a party at Castro dive bar Moby Dick to promote Share the Castro, an effort to unwire the gayborhood. Gender disillusionist Cher-ish strutted across the room in heels that placed everyone's eyes at fake-boob level, and smacked Fon stickers on the crowd. Matador Joselito showed off the goods (Fon's and his own) by talking free wireless routers to the bar crowd.

Fon's goal was to distribute enough Fon routers to create a local network of Wi-Fi hotspots. But Fon's plan for critical mass was upstaged by Joselito's critical ass. Cher-ish finished off the night with a bar-stopping performance and outfit she stitched herself. I thought about asking her to make me one, but I don't have the package to pull it off. Check out the rest of the photos.