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Whether or not Gil Cates is able to pull any tricks from his rumpled sleeves to make this year's Oscar ceremony watchable, there'll be at least one event next weekend guaranteed to get the town buzzing. Us Weekly is reporting that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt will be attending a pre-Oscar bash that sworn enemy Jennifer Aniston has also RSVP'd to. You know what this means, people. We're talking catfights, Hills-like confrontations and revenge tattoos galore. At least that's what we're hoping for.

Considering the two ladies in question aren't scared of a little girl-on-girl action now and then, might their inevitable run-in include a bit of "kiss and make up"? Unfortunately for everyone out there with both X and Y chromosomes, probably not. More realistically, we'll have a peaceful reunion. An Aniston insider tells Us that Jen thinks that "avoiding Brad and Angelina is more painful than seeing them" (Ed. Note - Do stories about Jennifer Aniston ever exclude the word "pain"?). Adding even more plausibility that Aniston and Jolie will unite happily, Us says Pitt may not even show up. Leaving your ex-wife alone with your current baby mama? Takes balls. Enough to make enough for recent motorcycle-induced hissy fits, even.