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The Worst Person in the World, Atlanta online dater John Fitzgerald Page, is taking a two-pronged approach to preserving his terrible reputation: First, give asshole quotes to the press; then, get into long e-mail flame wars with anonymous online detractors. On the first count, JFP gave an interview to Penn's 34th St. Magazine explaining the origin of his downfall— some fat chick. "If she were hot, she'd be in Playboy; she'd be on the cover of Vogue; she'd be all over the news...I'm like, you want to fight me because I blew off a fat chick on" Ridiculous! And what about those e-mails? Below, the entirely too long, and kind of sad, angry correspondence over the past two days between JFP and some random guy.

> You are a complete assbag.


Care to say that to my face, Mr... Internet Stalker?

Interesting challenge.....tough guy. It must be an interesting existence being as oblivious as you are to your shortcomings. I just hope you make enough money through your self-deprivation and marketing efforts to compensate for being a complete ass clown and laughing stock of millions.
Although I'm certain you'll never have the opportunity, do everyone a favor and don't reproduce.


I will give you a shot at the heavyweight title and put it on YouTube!
Jealousy will get you everywhere...
Since you can't reproduce - who are you picking at the sperm bank - me or an internet stalker?

Scrotum lip,

Heavyweight title? Are you suggesting a physical fight? I'll pass and I suggest you spend your free time looking for a gainful employment, and possibly a friend or two. Looks like they are in short supply for you.

As for the sperm're comment flew over my head. Must be that swell education you boasted about.

And with all the tracing capabilities you have, I'd think you would have identified me by now. Maybe I should continue to respond so you can get a's that sound testical breath?

Well, chalk yourself up as just another internet pussy, who is unwilling to go toe to toe with the champ!
You are mad at me, because I blew off a fat chick on the internet - are you a staight man?
Are you enjoying stalking me - are you masturbating, playing Doom in your mom's basement and eating Cheetos right now?
The man, the myth, the legend!

I'm not angy at you, nor am I concerned about your online dating exploits. Rather, I just wanted to point out the obvious, of which you are oblivious to, that you are one of the biggest testicles on this planet.

Best of luck to you though, I do hope you make some money off your notoriety, even if its at the expense of being 'the worst person in the world'.

You mean I HAVE the biggest testicles on this planet.
Would you rather me go on TV and cry and apologize like every other pussy?
Or stand up and say, yeah, I did that - so what?

Again, you are missing the point, and thats the comical part of it. What you 'do' defines you, not what you 'have'. But, that has surpassed your shallow opinions about yourself and others.

Sorry, I forgot to ask.......and I'm curious....what are you the 'champ' of?

And for what its worth, that cheetos comment made me chuckle. Cheetos and Doom.....a nice combo.

Did you read my website. I both DO and HAVE!
Why am I creating such controversy?
Because I am a real life Superman and it irks people's chain!

Yea guy, you're a modern day hero!
Odd though, the rest of the world doesn't see it that way.
Good luck to you d-bag.

Well, you are emailing me!
If 10 million flies eat shit, would you too?
Do you think the average person has my looks, body, brain, wit, education, car, wordliness, sense of humor, place, location, charm and gets hit on on the internet
24/7? The world is jealous, you are jealous and you know it!
Can you beat me at ANTYHING, let alone EVERYTHING?