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Click to viewA tipster is friends with Bill Gates's Facebook profile — the one Gates claims to have stopped using. The skinny on the Microsoft cofounder: "The friends list is short (110 friends) and yes, there are a bunch of teenagers on it BUT all key internal people that I know work with him closely are friends with that profile." On the list:

Joshua Goodman — his current technical assistant
Charlie Kindel — general manager
Steven Sinofsky — VP in charge of Windows 7
Ray Ozzie — Chief Software Architect (BillG's old job)
Jack Ozzie — Development manager for Ray Ozzie's concept development group
Mich Mathews — senior vp
Alex Gounares — former technical assistant, now VP

Profile is attached. Note how he mistypes Hemingway and Asimov.

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This image was lost some time after publication.