In 'Quotey,' An Imagined Diablo Cody Writes About What She Knows

With just weeks to go before Diablo Cody graduates from obscure screenwriter to global household name among Oscar's billion-man viewing audience, we thought we'd take another look at what lies just beyond her blinding horizon. Having already stolen a peek at Jennifer's Body, the horror project all but guaranteed to usher the expression "Slow down tardy slip. You sound like a sped," into the popular lexicon, Something Awful has just stumbled upon the first three pages of her next script, replete with Cody-authored margin notes. Quotey (a Diablo Cody Parody™), is a "dramedy about a brilliant-yet-spunky screenwriter who says what we all think but still faces persecution for her quirky ways." Will Quotey and boyfriend Braniel make love work? Will the Mountain Goats still be cool by the release date? Is "Spill the beans, you bean-factory worker with Parkinson's," too edgy for Diablo's newfound mass audience? Not to worry: Throw a skinny-legged high school track team jogging in the background of every third shot, and everything else will fall into place. The full page containing the excerpt above is after the jump.