Slate proudly announces that they're launching their most mindbogglingly pointless and stupid regular feature since Kausfiles (zing!): It's called "the unabridged Encyclopedia Baracktannica, a list of words that have been Obamafied by Slate." To "Obamafy" a word is to combine it with either the first or last name of Barack Obama, and then come up with some sort of vaguely joke-resembling definition. Like "Baracktail, an alcoholic beverage quaffed at an Obama campaign rally." Why? Why would anyone do this? Why is it a "widget"? Why does this exist? Did they think that just because they launched this at 7 p.m. last night no one would notice? There is already this and this, two sites with the benefit of being outright weird enough to actually amuse. But now there is Slate's Obama Word Generator, a thing that exists, and it is a widget, so we have embedded it below, Obamafter therack Jumpama.