A smut-toy purveyor advised Yale students to try some kink (it's for the "smarter, more imaginative types") in a shameless plug for his company during Yale's Sex Week. Then, a violent pornographic film was shut down during screening. Audience members maybe-possibly enjoyed it, according to the Yale Daily News, before pointing out it was disrespectful to women or whatever. (Actually, we're pretty sure that Ivy Leaguers are already familiar with the concept of power exchange—if not now, then definitely after their first year at JP Morgan or Cravath, Swaine & Moore).

Members of the gender-balanced crowd did not appear upset by the movie and reacted with disappointment when the Sex Week team ended the film early.... Adamo said several students in the crowd booed when he made his comment, and during the screening there was a "sense of revelry" in the images being displayed among some audience members.

William Wong '09, who was involved with the Sex Week tech team but not with events planning, said the crowd's reaction was mostly supportive of the film. He said the vocal members of the audience were not offended by the material and appeared to be enjoying it. Like Adamo, he said the crowd was fairly diverse and was almost evenly divided by gender. [Yale Daily News]

[Photo: Marc Lee Hauser]