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Despite the recent appearance of Lindsay Lohan's Sober Face (not to mention her Sober Nipples), there are a few disturbing indications that the Ghosts Of Cokepants Past are re-entering her life. The all-knowing, all-seeing eyes of TMZ caught Lohan enjoying the sabbath with some close friends at Villa last night (we're guessing they weren't watching the NBA All-Star Game). But when it came time to call it an evening, Lindsay's posse pulled a page from the Scooby Doo playbook in an attempt to fool the paparazzi into thinking she had already left the club: namely, they created a diversion.

In an attempt to throw the 'razzi off LiLo's potentially booze-soaked scent, her posse sent a Fake Firecrotch out of the club and straight into the big black SUV that first dropped Linds off there. However, much like George Bush, the paparazzi doesn't fool easy; instead of trailing the car containing the Lohan double, they took up camp by LiLo's lesbionic galpal Samantha Ronson's car (who had made a conspicuous yet separate entrance at the club earlier in the evening). Just moments later, they were rewarded for their ingenuity as Lindsay and Sam left the club together and sped away into the night, Benny Mardones style, in Ronson's Porsche. While we don't know where they went, we do know this. Someone should get Baz Luhrman on the phone, for this story of young doomed love will one day surely put Romeo & Juliet's tale to shame.