Bradley Horowitz thanks the doomed and the departed

I once saw the first twenty of minutes of this horror movie. Can't remember the name. But it starts with a bunch of teenagers heading out on a road trip to the beach. As they merge onto the highway, a horrific pile-up goes down all around them. The camera hops around showing how each person dies. I remember, for example, a truck dropping a log from its flatbed trailer and the thing going through a windshield. Splat. Blood on broken glass. But then the main character snaps out of it and realizes it was all a dream. She and her friends are still waiting at the highway onramp. Scared witless, our protagonist refuses to drive on. And then, the car accident she presaged actually happens. Later, all the people who would have died in the accident gather at the police station. A creepy kid in the corner warns them: On this very day last year, some guy dreamed an airplane would go down and he and his friends refused to board. The airplane went down. He died anyway. So did all his friends. Creepy kid says: Death will get us all. Then for the rest of the movie it does. Anyway, don't know why I brought this up, but here's a list of names Yahoo executive Bradley Horowitz thanked on his way out.
Eckart WaltherJeff WeinerQi Lu- Raymie Stata
- Prabhakar Raghavan
- Kiersten Hollars
Dan RosensweigChad Dickerson- Cindy
Kaigene Jau- Ethan Fasset
- Joe Hyrkin
Ellen Salisbury- Marc Davis
- Joshua Shachter
- Wendy Pfeiffer
- Doug Crockford
- Tim Mayer
- Joff Redfern
- Meg Garlinghouse
Randy FarmerSusan Mernit- Marco Boerries
Paul LevineJen DulskiLorna BorensteinScott Gatz- Gary Clayton
Caterina FakeSalim IsmailIan Rogers- Larry Tesler
Joy MountfordIrene AuZod [Farzad Nazem, former Yahoo CTO]Phu Hoang- Venkat
Terry SemelBrad Garlinghouse- Toby Coppel
Stewart ButterfieldLibby SartainAndrew Braccia- Mor Naaman
Tim Cadogan- Sam Pullara
- Tom Coates
Jeremy ZawodnyMike MarquezJeff KarnesPasha Sadrithe Pipes team- MyBlogLog team
Andy Baio- Upcoming
- Arlo Rose
- Sue Decker
- Ash Patel
- Jerry & Filo
Anyone we missed?