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Jennifer Lopez has reportedly sold the US rights to exclusive pictures of her twinset to People for a rumored $6 million, beating the record formerly held by Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Plus, Lopez will also receive an undisclosed sum from OK! for international rights. But why so much moolah for J. Lo? How can her spawn possibly be worth more than The Chosen One (whose baby pics were purchased by People for $4.1 million)? As Flavor Flav and those guys from the Coors Light commercials would say: TWINS!

Yes, it appears that the fertility drugs are working to J. Lo's advantage; there hasn't been a more famous set of twins born since Julia Roberts popped out her pair (unfortch for her team of ten percenters, she turned down a huge payday from the glossies for her pix). But Lopez shouldn't bask in the baby payday sun too long; in case you hadn't heard, Angelina's packing twins heat as well. As for how much a photo shoot with those Chosen Ones would be, an editor at OK! said "I can't even put a number on it." Well, we will; be on the lookout for a bidding war that's sure to end somewhere north of eight figures.