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Jimmy Wales has read Susan Jacoby's essay, "The Dumbing of America," which argues that America has become particularly anti-intellectual, and the Wikipedia founder's counterargument in the Washington Post is he's very very smart and so are the people on his web site. Which maybe he is! But that's not what he promised to talk about! For example, he compares Wikipedia's German edition to the leading German encyclopedia, which has nothing to do with Jacoby's point in the essay or in the book she's promoting. Wales also wants us to know everyone loves him: "[Peek in] on one of my public lectures at a high school or university. Who is this person getting the reception of a rock star? Is he a musician? Perhaps some crude comic? No, he's ... the founder of an ... encyclopedia?" Seriously, his entire argument, which Jacoby probably wouldn't even disagree with, is "Wikipedia is awesome." I can't wait to see his upcoming reviews:

Michael Pollan, In Defense of Food: "Food is good. You know who's written a lot about food? Wikipedia, bitch."

Andrew Morton, Tom Cruise: "Andrew Morton thinks Tom Cruise is scary. Well Wikipedia is not scary. Also, I am much better on video."

Benazir Bhutto, Reconciliation: "If Pakistan is in so much trouble, how did its citizens contribute ten thousand edits to Wikipedia, the world's most comprehensive encyclopedia? Also Benazir Bhutto is dead."

John Grisham, The Appeal: "Grisham claims that 'Political and legal intrigue ensue when a Mississippi court decides against a chemical company accused of dumping toxic waste.' Wikipedia is awesome."