More Topless Celebrities!

US Weekly, chroniclers of the great celebrity experiment, have responded to Lindsay Lohan's recent nude pictorial in New York magazine with a little gallery showing some of the more famous examples of celebrities going topless for magazines. Now, now! Hands off your belt buckles, boys. They only show the covers of upstanding magazines. So think Jennifer Aniston being coy on a bed for GQ, not Drew Barrymore tweaking a nipple for Playboy. It's interesting how many repeat players there are. Maybe once you've done it the first time, you'll just keep pullin' 'em out at the sound of a camera flash. (Oh, a warning: there's a Britney Spears pap shot that really should never have existed in the first place, let alone be looked at.) [US] After the jump, one of the more iconic topless celebrity movie scenes. (Surprisingly SFW!)