Musto's Blind Item Madness

Village Voice gossip Michael Musto tossed out something like 10,000 of his classic blind items yesterday. So why not go nuts trying to figure out who they refer to? Here's one we feel like we should get: "Which CBS personality sits in his car telling passersby that he's doing so to watch Katie Couric on the news, but it's actually to stall until 7 p.m., when his parking there can become legal?" Bob Schieffer? A couple more entertaining ones, after the jump.
- What couple almost split up during the making of that movie because she was on fire with jealousy that he got to show his actual talent? (No worries. It totally bombed.)
- Which top anchor is a bottom? [Ha.]
- Which pop star is a top? (Or so goes the legend; actually, he and one of his hot boyfriends switched positions and loved it.) [Ha!]
- Which female politician once slept with a rabbi's sister, according to an American Idol personality who's a friend of the rabbi?
- What much younger songstress has very little actual chemistry with the husband, probably because she's a big old lesbo?
- Which pasty-white club mess (with his friends) blithely walked out on a check at Beige (after insanely trying to get me to pay it) and was thrown out of Hiro for choking his boyfriend, the same week he was featured in New York magazine's Look Book? What same guy became the subject of restraining tactics by a stylist when he kept using the stylist's name to get free clothes long after he ceased working for him? (Oh, did I mention he's also a thief?)
- What cute, young guy, who's Hollywood royalty, recently had a heartwarming experience peeing into a trannie's anus, only to have all kinds of shit shoot out?
- Which exotic, young hotshot designer has been supposedly doing it with that black rapper with many children?
Feel free to speculate on these or any of Musto's others, to us or in the comments. Go nuts.