Morphing Technology Produces Perfect-Faced Gefilte Stars

While individual celebrities each have their own, signature facial characteristics—the Clooney brow, the Damon eyes, the Streep nose—it would seem to us that with all the scientific advances now available (clone-morph/stem-cell/gene-splicing technologies or what have you, we're not exactly sure how all that wizardry works), that cherrypicking the best of what's out there and compressing the bits and pieces into one star-loaf is definitely the way to go. Apparently, Star magazine had the very same idea, as they've attempted the darned-near impossible:
Creating the "perfect face." (Again.) Their male ideal grafts portions of Damon, Daniel Craig, Leo DiCaprio, Christian Bale, and John Stamos ("You got your C-list chocolate in my A-list peanut butter!"). His female counterpart, meanwhile, blends Katie Holmes, Katherine Heigl, Keira Knightley, Jessica Simpson, and Angelina Jolie. The result: Gay Elvis and, um, a horsier-faced Heigl. Perfection!