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When I was a lot younger, I taped — onto VHS! — all of the original Star Trek episodes when they aired at 3 a.m. on Friday nights, so I could watch them later. If only I had waited 13 years. CBS has put all three seasons of Star Trek online for anyone to view, along with a number of other old shows to the Audience Network, including The Twilight Zone, Hawaii Five-O and MacGyver.

The page design doesn't look like much, but the video looks great. Even without the polished design, this is a clear shot at Hulu, which currently hosts content from News Corp., NBC, and some other partners — but not CBS.

Is it just a coincidence that these episodes go live so soon after the writers' strike ended? That's the great thing about running the classics — the scripts, and the contracts, are already written. CBS runs ads before the show starts, and in mid-episode, likely commanding a healthy CPM. But enough about business: Pull up your office chair and watch Kirk battle some bizarre alien dragon. It'll bring back your childhood. Alas, no embedding allowed — likely because CBS also makes money on the banner ads surrounding the video player..