Clark Hoyt can work on a deadline. Unlike the public editors of yore—Daniel Okrent, cough, cough—Hoyt tackles this week's controversy in this weekend's Sunday Times. In case you forgot, and lucky you if you have, John McCain may or may not have bonked a lobbyist, is definitely a liar, but most importantly to McCain camp, the Times is a liberal no-good paper.

The public editor column starts where Friday's Ask The Newsroom feature left off. Bill Keller and Jill Abramson are back for Round II to defend the story. Guess what? They stand by their work.

For all the innuendo, Hoyt points out that the article was about much more than a possible affair, even though it led with those implications. And at this point in the never ending election, what could be more fun than an affair?

Hoyt concludes that all the sexy talk ruined a perfectly good story about McCain's relationship with lobbyists. Sexy talk always kills the mood.

  • What That McCain Article Didn't Say [NYT]
  • The McCain Article [NYT]