After watching her big sister Lindsay flame out at the box office, endure several stints in rehab, flee daily from the paparazzi, and get banned from parties, it's only natural that 14-year-old Ali Lohan would point a bony finger and say "Me want." "I grew up watching Lindsay," she says in an upcoming Teen Vogue interview ,"It made me want to do what she does. Just the whole vibe. Being there, being on camera, or onstage, with everybody listening to you ... it's so cool when people look up to you." Hm. Yes. Like Lindsay, lying in a gutter, asking for help. If you're curious about how this is all going to play out, Ali and family (including, most intriguingly, child eating Rose Hovickian mother Dina) are the stars of a new E! reality series that documents her fledgling acting and singing career. Sniff. [Showbiz Spy] If you're even more curious, a video interview with Ali after the jump.