This image was lost some time after publication., the '90s-vintage mess of protoblogs the New York Times Co. paid $410 million for three years ago, has lost its CEO, Scott Meyer, left. The departure is characterized as "amicable"; the circumstances, curious. The Times has been rumored to be shopping, though the company denies it. Regardless, Meyer is not being replaced. Instead, Martin Nisenholtz, the digital chief at the Times, right, will run it directly. There are two interpretations here.

First, that the Times is having trouble recruiting a short-timer replacement to run the site until a sale. Second, that buyers for the site are scarce, and the Times realizes it. Nisenholtz's job responsibilities were greatly reduced when the Times merged its print and online newsrooms three years ago. Running, especially if the company plans to keep it, would give him something to do besides speak at conferences.