The first victim, or victor, of the New York Times buyouts is Pulitzer Prize winning legal journalist Linda Greenhouse. Greenhouse, whose overhyped news stories on the Supreme Court blockbuster summer rulings made her the Michael Bay of reporting, says she would have retired in a few years anyway. And at 61, she can already qualify for some senior citizen's discounts. But the departure comes less than two months after a public editor column parsed her marriage with preeminent military lawyer, Eugene Fidell.

Clark Hoyt found that Greenhouse's marriage had not affected her reporting, but chastised the Times for not making the implications of her marriage clearer. Still, Greenhouse couldn't have been too stoked to have the ven diagram that is her professional and private life examined in the Sunday paper.

The column was prompted by Ed Whelan, Greenhouse's blogger foe at the National Review Online, who has repeatedly accused Greenhouse of being biased. Incidentally, Whelan also broke news of her buyout yesterday afternoon.

Now the pressure is on Whelan to find a new reason to hate the next Times Supreme Court beat reporter.

  • NYT's Greenhouse Takes Buyout Offer [AP]
  • Public and Private Lives, Intersecting [NYT]