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TED, the schmoozeathon taking place in Monterey right now, prides itself on staying exclusive and bringing together only the best of Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and Manhattan. TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington is deeply unhappy that he's not invited. So much so that he staged a falling-out with Frenchepreneur Loic Le Meur, a gloating TED attendee. But he's really going to boil when he reads this: The complete list of TED's 1,198 attendees, each of whom he is now personally committed to hate. Arrington's new enemies list includes Al Gore, Amy Tan, Arianna Huffington, Ben Affleck, Cameron Diaz, Forest Whitaker, Isaac Mizrahi, Jeff Bezos, John Cusack, Maria Bartiromo, Marissa Mayer, Max Levchin, Meg Ryan, Peter Thiel, Roger McNamee, Si Newhouse IV, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Steve Case, Steve Wozniak, Thomas Dolby, Tim O'Reilly, and Will Smith. The rest are here.